Domain names can be registered through a plethora of companies with prices that vary. You should research the terms and conditions of each company because there are always hidden fees. Be ware of domain name upcharges! Some registry companies are known to sell the domains at a very cheap rate to begin with but when it comes time to renew, the price is unbelievable! We keep the renewal price the same rate or close to it because we care about keeping you a satisfied customer for the long run.


Search for your perfect domain name! Most domains start at $16.99 and renew at the same rate yearly with Melrose Domains.


Your domain name might gain popularity over the years and can actually acquire a higher value. Your domain can be valued for much more than what you paid just for being an attractive name. You can also sell your domain directly through your account. Furthermore, if there is a domain name you want that is taken, you can also submit a request to purchase it through your account. Customer service representatives are open 24/7 to provide any assistance you need.


Protection plans are available for purchase. When you add the domain name to your cart, you will also be provided with the option to add protection for $9.99 for the year. This is highly recommended to avoid any domain theft related instances. Unfortunately, there are all kinds of bad people and domain theft is a real problem. Do not risk building an amazing website only to have it robbed. Invest in a protection plan and let customer support fight for it back for you. 

24/7 Customer Service Support

Is your website down? That is so scary. What could be the problem? With our hosting plans, we offer 24/7 support. Call support with your customer and PIN numbers handy and they will take care of the rest.